
Search: crypto

Binance Eyes $1 Billion Raise for Crypto 'Recovery Fund', Could Buy FTX Assets

Binance Eyes $1 Billion Raise for Crypto 'Recovery Fund', Could Buy FTX Assets

Ganesha   25 November 2022   25.531 Views
Binance s founder and CEO said the firm s crypto rescue fund will initially have 1 billion to dole out as it steps into the role of industry white knight. In an interview with Bloomberg, Changpeng CZ Zhao said the fund would have a loose structure and be publicly visible on the blockchain, w...

XSS on httpstatus.io

XSS on httpstatus.io

Ganesha   27 November 2022   18.593 Views
httpstatus.io is an HTTP Status Code, Header Redirect Checker. For example, if we submit a URL Domain, httpstatus.io will check the HTTP Status Code, where the domain will be redirected if the HTTP Status Code is 301 302 etc. I try with ...

Reflected XSS on sgsg.samsung.com

Reflected XSS on sgsg.samsung.com

Ganesha   27 November 2022   22.177 Views
Like I did before, I use Google Dorks, to find some interesting URLs. Google Dork site sgsg.samsung.com I found a very interesting URL, The HTTP response shows every value from the campu...

"Black_X12" Hacker Takeover 30 Subdomain of Indonesian Government

Ganesha   05 December 2022   22.771 Views
A hacker who has the nickname Black X12 took over 30 subdomains belonging to the Indonesian Government which had the domain address kolakakab.go.id According to Zone H, a defacements archive website. Black X12 takeover the whole website on November 29th, 2022. Screenshot .. images po...

$1.000 IDOR

$1.000 IDOR

Airlangga   12 December 2022   25.493 Views
Insecure direct object references IDOR are a type of access control vulnerability that arises when an application uses user supplied input to access objects directly. The term IDOR was popularized by its appearance in the OWASP 2007 Top Ten. However, it is just one example of many access control i...

Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue < 3.1.25 - Reflected XSS

Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue < 3.1.25 - Reflected XSS

Ganesha   21 November 2022   26.866 Views
The Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue WordPress plugin before 3.1.25 does not escape the sib statistics date parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross Site Scripting issue Proof of Concept html body ...

Reflected XSS on Xiaomi with KNOXSS

Reflected XSS on Xiaomi with KNOXSS

Ganesha   28 November 2022   20.937 Views
Xiaomi Bug Bounty Programs When we look at Xiaomi Bug Bounty Program, they accept every subdomains from mi.com and xiaomi.com .. images post d6b1f2098768 xiaomi 20writeup1.jpg And I start looking for a subdomain of mi.com with sublist3r .. images...

Russian Cybercrime Groups Stole Over 50 Million Passwords with Stealer Malware

Russian Cybercrime Groups Stole Over 50 Million Passwords with Stealer Malware

Ganesha   24 November 2022   18.704 Views
Security researchers have warned of a password theft epidemic after revealing that Russian groups are using off the shelf info stealing malware to devastating effect. Group IB said its analysis revealed 34 Telegram groups used by threat actors to organize their efforts, and that they d infected o...

Paraminer: Finds hidden parameters.

Paraminer: Finds hidden parameters.

Ganesha   29 November 2022   25.762 Views
Paraminer is a tool used to search for hidden parameters in a website Main Features GET Request POST Request Usage php paraminer.php u URL w WORDLIST .. images post 6941dbb5d020 64484851 74288d80 d242 11e9 89e5 cf937dd61541.png Link ...

CVE-2022-3360 - Unauthenticated PHP Object Injection via REST API

CVE-2022-3360 - Unauthenticated PHP Object Injection via REST API

Ganesha   21 November 2022   23.598 Views
The LearnPress WordPress plugin before unserialises user input in a REST API endpoint available to unauthenticated users, which could lead to PHP Object Injection when a suitable gadget is present, leadint to remote code execution RCE . To successfully exploit this vulnerability attackers m...

Elementor < 3.4.8 - DOM Cross-Site-Scripting

Elementor < 3.4.8 - DOM Cross-Site-Scripting

Ganesha   21 November 2022   23.610 Views
The plugin does not sanitise or escape user input appended to the DOM via a malicious hash, resulting in a DOM Cross Site Scripting issue. The issue was initially fixed in 3.1.4, however re introduced in 3.2.0. action lightbox settings eyJ0eXBlIjoibnV...

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