
Search: hackerone

Reflected XSS on UC Browser Website

Reflected XSS on UC Browser Website

Ganesha   05 December 2022   28.756 Views
When I m looking at Alibaba Bug Bounty Programs on HackerOne I am interest in the ucweb.com domain and starting recon. .. images post fb2400f5bb55 alibaba 20domain 20scope.jpg Until I found this URL structure ...

How to Make a Good Bug Bounty Report

How to Make a Good Bug Bounty Report

Ganesha   30 November 2022   20.336 Views
Report Title Include the type of vulnerability XSS, CSRF, XXE, SQLi, SSRF, etc . Include sub domain and or with directory path example.com Example of a good title Stored XSS at example.com Via Parameter Name Example of a bad title Stored XSS example.com Report fo...

1337.or.id Vulnerability Disclosure Program

1337.or.id Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Ganesha   30 November 2022   21.248 Views
No technology is perfect, and 1337.or.id believes that working with skilled security researchers across the globe is crucial in identifying weaknesses in any technology. If you believe you ve found a security issue in our product or service, we encourage you to notify us. We welcome working with you...

Reflected XSS on Xiaomi with KNOXSS

Reflected XSS on Xiaomi with KNOXSS

Ganesha   28 November 2022   20.938 Views
Xiaomi Bug Bounty Programs When we look at Xiaomi Bug Bounty Program, they accept every subdomains from mi.com and xiaomi.com .. images post d6b1f2098768 xiaomi 20writeup1.jpg And I start looking for a subdomain of mi.com with sublist3r .. images...

phpMyAdmin 4.8.1 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)

phpMyAdmin 4.8.1 - Remote Code Execution (RCE)

Ganesha   21 November 2022   30.716 Views
Security Team ChaMd5 disclose a Local File Inclusion vulnerability in phpMyAdmin latest version 4.8.1. And the exploiting of this vulnerability may lead to Remote Code Execution. usr bin env python import re, requests, sys check python major version if sys.version info.major 3...

Dynamic Content for Elementor < 1.9.6 - Authenticated RCE

Dynamic Content for Elementor < 1.9.6 - Authenticated RCE

Airlangga   10 February 2023   15.610 Views
The PHP Raw Widget dynamic.ooo widget php raw of the Dynamic Content for Elementor plugin before 1.9.6 did not properly check for user permissions, allowing accounts with a role as low as editor to perform RCE attacks. Proof of Concept POST wp admin admin ajax.php HTTP 1.1 Host exam...

Binance Eyes $1 Billion Raise for Crypto 'Recovery Fund', Could Buy FTX Assets

Binance Eyes $1 Billion Raise for Crypto 'Recovery Fund', Could Buy FTX Assets

Ganesha   25 November 2022   25.531 Views
Binance s founder and CEO said the firm s crypto rescue fund will initially have 1 billion to dole out as it steps into the role of industry white knight. In an interview with Bloomberg, Changpeng CZ Zhao said the fund would have a loose structure and be publicly visible on the blockchain, w...

Stored DOM-based XSS on VPSServer.com

Stored DOM-based XSS on VPSServer.com

Airlangga   10 December 2022   25.970 Views
VPSServer.com is a company that sells Virtual Private Servers VPS . A virtual private server VPS is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. The virtual dedicated server VDS also has a similar meaning. Now let me share how I found a Stored DOM based XSS Vulnerab...

Paraminer: Finds hidden parameters.

Paraminer: Finds hidden parameters.

Ganesha   29 November 2022   25.762 Views
Paraminer is a tool used to search for hidden parameters in a website Main Features GET Request POST Request Usage php paraminer.php u URL w WORDLIST .. images post 6941dbb5d020 64484851 74288d80 d242 11e9 89e5 cf937dd61541.png Link ...

$1.000 IDOR

$1.000 IDOR

Airlangga   12 December 2022   25.495 Views
Insecure direct object references IDOR are a type of access control vulnerability that arises when an application uses user supplied input to access objects directly. The term IDOR was popularized by its appearance in the OWASP 2007 Top Ten. However, it is just one example of many access control i...

qdPM 9.1 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Authenticated)

qdPM 9.1 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Authenticated)

Ganesha   21 November 2022   23.728 Views
A remote code execution RCE vulnerability exists in qdPM 9.1 and earlier. An attacker can upload a malicious PHP code file via the profile photo functionality, by leveraging a path traversal vulnerability in the users photo preview delete photo feature, allowing bypass of .htaccess protecti...

Reflected XSS on DomaiNesia

Reflected XSS on DomaiNesia

Ganesha   27 November 2022   21.012 Views
DomaiNesia is a company that serves domain name registration, Web Hosting, VPS, and others. I just found Reflected XSS Vulnerability at DomaiNesia s subdomain We required to upload an official document if buy a special domain, like ac. or. sch. etc. On the...

Stored XSS on Chess24.com

Stored XSS on Chess24.com

Ganesha   26 November 2022   20.569 Views
I signed up on Chess24 and a play couple of games. Then I was thinking about security on the Chess24 website. I enter the user profile page, then I put the payload below as my website address. Request Response a href targe...

XSSRush: An automatic XSS scanner

XSSRush: An automatic XSS scanner

Ganesha   24 November 2022   23.647 Views
XSSRush is an automatic XSS scanner. Available on Desktop, Chrome Extension, and Web Based. Screenshot Chrome Extension XSSR Chrome Extension .. images post 68747470733a2f2f312e62702e626c6f6773706f742e636f6d2f2d314e6b6766637951526c452f59475363726734476733492f41414141414141414278552...

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